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We are happy to announce the continuation of the SCRC Mentorship Program! This program started in 2019 with the goal of expanding personal and professional development and we are excited to continue this program to help connect more early career mobility professionals with industry veterans.  It is a yearlong commitment that offers the opportunity to create a formal relationship between a mentor and mentee. No matter where you sit within mobility, we encourage you to sign-up!

As a mentee you will have the opportunity to learn from an industry veteran. Mentees initiate the discussion with their mentors sharing up front their goals for the mentorship, setting the agendas for each meeting, cadence for the meetings, and establishing the best form of communication.

As a mentor you will have the opportunity to share your knowledge, lessons learned, and gain leadership experience.  Mentors should take a personal interest, guide, encourage, and support their mentee.

We ask that mentors and mentees agree to meet, via whatever communication is decided up, at minimum two times per year.

For questions or additional information please reach out to Christian Ter-Nedden at

Mentee Application

Mentor Application

We look forward to continuing to grow this program and fostering the development of mobility professionals!

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